Anti-vaxxers invited the Grim Reaper for the Holidays- we will all have to feed him.

December 17, 2021By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPCOVID-19 Class, Current events and commentary, Omicron No Comments

It only took Omicron a few weeks to spread all over the country. It is 400% more contagious than even Delta. To put that into perspective, Delta was only 10% more infectious than the original virus. You know what Delta did.  You can’t imagine what is coming in the next few weeks. Let’s get specific: … Read More

Omicron Part 2: Travel bans- what goes around, comes around (in devastating ways).

December 14, 2021By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPCOVID-19 Class, Current events and commentary, Omicron No Comments

Omicron; what goes around comes around- in more ways than one.  What was the United States’ reaction to the news of Omicron? What is a travel ban?  As soon as the US government found out about Omicron, the President took several wise steps. We’re going to talk about one of his stupid decision- an all … Read More

Omicron. Part 1. The Basics.

December 13, 2021By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPCOVID-19 Class, Current events and commentary, Omicron No Comments

(See the previous post for an explanation of medical- scientific terms).  What is Omicron? “Omicron” is an important new ‘cousin’ of the SARS-Cov-2 virus (the original virus of the pandemic). It was identified in Southern Africa (South Africa and Zimbabwe) a few weeks ago. The previous dominant version, the Delta variant, “Delta”, caused huge trouble … Read More

Seriously? Did Trump kill the World Health Organization during a pandemic?

July 22, 2020By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPCOVID-19 and Trump, COVID-19 Class No Comments

What is the WHO?  The World Health Organization (WHO) tracks and manages pandemics. [1] The WHO organizes and coordinates the world’s response to global disease. [2] Despite what you may have heard (from Trump), the WHO doesn’t play favorites.  The advice and guidance from the WHO are even-handed. That means that they aren’t going to … Read More

Back to elementary education during to COVID-19

July 12, 2020By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPAmerica, COVID-19 Class, Current events and commentary, Education in the COVID-19 age 6 Comments

How, when, and where to go ‘back to school’ got complicated. That’s not surprising. Nobody seems to trust anybody these days. However, few things are as important as our kid’s education. For their sake and for our future, let’s talk about things with a little less emotion. Put a pause on unproductive assumptions (even if … Read More