The Heart of a Doctor™ Project has one mission:

To get modern American healthcare on the path to what it should be. That means that it has to be:

  1. The best in the world,
  2. Available to every American who wants it
  3. We have to be able to afford it.   

"Every patient is the only patient. Everywhere. All the time.”™

Who belongs here?

Whatever your role in healthcare, you are finally in the right place. If you are a patient, loved one, caregiver, healthcare worker, doctor, administrator, or even politician, this is where you can come for thinking, building, and revolutionizing your role.

What to expect?

It’s focused on humanity

We are going to talk and read about interesting, patient, doctor, and system experiences. From there, you will realize how vital it is to obsess over each person’s healthcare. 

The library, workshop, and mentoring home

Whatever you need, this is the place to come. There will be books, guides, manuals, essays, commentaries, videos, audio, public-speaking, webinars, web conferences, etc.  If you can think of a way that you need help in healthcare, you should be able to find it here. If you can’t find it, we’ll build it, or I’ll tell you where you should get it.

Let's be authentic/honest

I speak truthfully and plainly about the forces that wreck our healthcare system.  Our mission is too important, and the time is too short, to debate obvious things.

Spelling out the rules for the future

Even more than talking about the bad influences, we are going to highlight the principles that will form the “constitution” of our new, revolutionary, healthcare system- "The Fishisms.

It’s practical

Don’t think that this is some kind of ‘new-age’ or ‘fluffy’ project. The guidance is highly useful on every scale for every stakeholder. That means that I will share specific, actionable instructions for everyone, no matter their role. For example, we'll illustrate;

1. How to get the healthcare that you should have always gotten for far less money

2. How to run your clinic effectively

3. How to reorient your organization to effectiveness and profitability.

Let’s do this

Please join me in The Heart of a Doctor™ Project.

Come here to envision, study, design, initiate, manage, and lead American healthcare to its "promised land." Stay as long as you wish. Take away from it the pieces which help you. Throw away what doesn’t help. I want everybody to get something healthy and even great out of their experience here.

“Every patient is the only patient. Everywhere. All the time."

 Thanks! See you soon!

 Jason Fish MD FAAFP



About Dr. Fish

After twenty years of providing direct patient care, I embarked on a career as a medical affairs consultant and writer. With that change, I hoped to help more than just the twenty-five or thirty patients that a family doctor can see in the clinic each day. Currently, I now work with private industry to help build humane, efficient, and effective systems. My new goal, obligation, and calling are to revolutionize American healthcare by helping people, organizations and institutions head in the right direction- to a healthcare 'place; that we can all live with.