Trump’s agenda?

We agree that Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America (POTUS). His current objective is to get us to ignore the pandemic until after the Presidential election in November 2020. [1]

What does he do?

He is intentionally destroying America from so many directions that it’s hard to know how to respond to his evil.  Here are just a few examples: 

  • He recommends crazy ‘treatments’ for COVID-19. [1.1]
  • He hinders basic steps to save us. [2] 
  • Trump even makes fun of what we should be calling COVID-19. [3] 
  • He repeats, over and over again, the notion that America’s predicament and COVID-19 are “silly” (it’s another hoax). [3.1]

  • He needs you (and himself) to believe that his ‘genius’ saved “millions.” He is distracting you from the fact that this is the United States of America, not some desperately poor developing country. This idea is really dangerous. The results of the President’s agenda have already killed twice as many people in a few months as troops killed in twelve years of the Vietnam War. However, keep in mind that in the previous epidemic, Ebola, we had only fourteen total cases.  Nine of those came in from overseas. Not one single person who got it here died. [4]
  • He literally wants us to believe that COVID-19 “will disappear.’ [4.1]

Our independence makes us vulnerable to manipulation

Trump is the enemy of America, especially those of us who value our freedom. Hell, his best friends are our enemies, and his enemies are were our friends. Seriously, what more proof do you need to believe this? [4.2] [4.3] [5] [5.1] [5.2] [5.3]Trump takes advantage of individualism in almost every way. He feeds false information, undermines our response, and that behavior directly leads to death, destruction, and loss of liberty. We have got to resist what he is doing. His re-election is not more important than the survival of our nation. [1]

I understand that some of us may take Trump’s cues. We might even act and think like Trump. Some of us may not be able to empathize with the families of 140,000 dead Americans.  Some of us may not care how stupid it is for our “wartime” President to mock our deadly enemy and the people who are fighting it. 

Survive by listening to the right voices

If none of that gives you the energy to resist the President’s manipulation, then here is one more thing to consider: Do you really think it’s better to take the President’s COVID-19 advice or your doctor’s? After all, do you tell your kids that it’s bad to drink bleach? [6] 

Please listen to your doctor. 

Do you want to survive America’s healthcare crisis? Do you want to have a life after COVID-19? If either of your answers is yes, start listening to the right people (and not Trump). It’s the right thing to do. It’s the common sense thing. And if you don’t, America, our way, life is dead. 















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