Volume One

What it’s really about - personhood 

This book is fundamentally about one simple thing; humanity.  I want to get emotion, passion and empathy onto modern medicine’s factory floor. I intend to push you want to be treated like human beings. In that process, I also hope that you will gain a better understanding of the human beings who are taking care of you. 

People are exciting, wonderful, infinitely complex, and in rare circumstances, even just plain ‘good’ or ‘evil. The paradoxes and inconsistencies are exactly the subject of this book- all the emotions in the unique experience of medicine. Healing is the ancient art of caring for the body, mind and souls of other human beings. Medicine has not been completely overwhelmed by the industrialization of the medicine. Look for people. Find them. Celebrate them. There is hope! 

Future Volume

See the The Way that It Is (How healthcare works and how we got here)

Future Volume

See the "Fishisms TM- Principles for the Future of Healthcare page for excerpts.

Future Volume

See the "How to Get What You Deserve" page for excerpts.