Everybody wants to know what it's really like to be a doctor. However, it’s hard to get good information on the topic. That’s for at least two reasons: Firstly, most common sources are not accurate. Secondly, physicians usually tell their story from their point of view. It's almost impossible to relate to what they are saying.  It's like having an extra-terrestrial try to explain to earth-dwellers what it's really like to be a Martian in Martian language.  However:

I will explain what it is like to be a doctor from your point of view. {1} I am able to do that because I have ‘lived in my shoes’ and yours too. I have experienced medicine from almost every angle. In the books, I will be much more comprehensive. Here, I will give you some glimpses into the physician's experience as you would 'feel it'.

Please see the "About Dr. Fish" page for more detail.

Essays, Commentary and Information about Life as a Physician:

The General of Your Family’s Healthcare

The General of Your Family’s Healthcare

May 12, 2020

It’s cliché that good family doctors are approachable and even friendly. Since your family doctor probably less formal (deliberately so), and she takes care of almost every issue no matter how mundane it may seem, you might think that what she does is easy, less sophisticated or less deliberate than what other doctor’s do. Nothing … Read More

Why Leaving Any Medical School Means Leaving Medicine

Why Leaving Any Medical School Means Leaving Medicine

May 14, 2020

Although it is theoretically possible that, if you quit one medical school, you could transfer to another school, in practical terms, that never happens If you did want to restart/transfer to another school here is what the student is facing: 1. Disprove the “can’t cut it” label that you acquired for quitting. 2. Convince your … Read More

Why it’s so hard to understand your doctor’s life

Why it’s so hard to understand your doctor’s life

June 9, 2020

Everybody wants to know what it’s really like to be a doctor. However, it’s hard to get good information on the topic. That’s for at least two reasons: 1. The most common sources are not always accurate. Hollywood, publishers, and TV make their money by getting you to buy their stuff. The more sensational and … Read More

They claim to have value, but at what cost?

They claim to have value, but at what cost?

June 25, 2020

After reading what I have to say, some self-serving and ill-informed people will complain. They’ll say things like: “…not every malpractice attorney is like that.” “Some doctors need to be punished.” “Who else is going to stick up for the poor victims of the small minority of greedy, negligent, or incompetent doctors?” “The economic impact … Read More

Rebuilding the soul of healthcare (my dad taught me how)

Rebuilding the soul of healthcare (my dad taught me how)

June 29, 2020

My dad and modern healthcare would not get along I’m glad that my dad (Don Fish) is not around to see the modern healthcare industry. He would not be happy. Dad was a man of simple, radical integrity Don Fish was a man of subtle extremes. I’ve already mentioned that he was from West Texas, … Read More