A Bullet in the Head for a Headache (The Perils of Self-Care)

A Bullet in the Head for a Headache (The Perils of Self-Care)

May 31, 2020

How Works in Rural America’s Emergency Rooms I was a family doctor in a ridiculously small town for a while. Let’s call the town Blue Sky, USA. Blue Sky was far away from any city. It’s people were fine, hard-working, and conservative- a lot like you might expect in any rural community town in America. … Read More

A Tragic Death but a Clean Slate (Living and Dying without Regrets)

A Tragic Death but a Clean Slate (Living and Dying without Regrets)

May 31, 2020

Because of the new work rules, the residency had to give us two weeks off per year. As for the end-of-the-year holidays, we got a third week of vacation either before or after Christmas. Without that, even more of us would have quit or ‘cracked up’. Since the residents were the doctors for most patients, … Read More