Omicron. Part 1. The Basics.

Omicron. Part 1. The Basics.

December 13, 2021

(See the previous post for an explanation of medical- scientific terms).  What is Omicron? “Omicron” is an important new ‘cousin’ of the SARS-Cov-2 virus (the original virus of the pandemic). It was identified in Southern Africa (South Africa and Zimbabwe) a few weeks ago. The previous dominant version, the Delta variant, “Delta”, caused huge trouble … Read More

Basic scientific terms about viruses

Basic scientific terms about viruses

December 10, 2021

Before we talk about Omicron, let’s go back over some important medical terms. Particles. Viruses are very very tiny. Even with a really good microscope, you can’t see them. Also, there is debate on whether a virus is actually a living being or not For both of those reasons, individual viral organisms are called particles. … Read More