Let’s move ahead, and let me show you how!

I am here to help people who aren’t yet sick, patients (which we all get to be sometimes), students of healthcare, doctors, administrators- every stakeholder in healthcare- everybody. If you have anything to do with healthcare in any way, I will be able to help.

Whether you are a structured and large healthcare entity, a medium or small formal or informal group with an interest in healthcare, a network of people or even a family who needs guidance, I can help all of you.

Bringing an uncommon diversity of experience and training, there are three general categories of advice that I provide best:

  1. Help you reorient your organization in the right strategic direction- a moral, ethical, and humane culture where anyone and everyone “owns’ the wellbeing of patients-no matter what their role is. Healthcare was always supposed to be about each and every human being. It was intended to be about a dedication to obsess over the welfare of the sick and frail. That’s where we all lost focus long ago. In modern parlance, it’s called “being obsessed with customer satisfaction.” In the case of healthcare, that direction is the only way to do the right thing AND be financially healthy organization.
  2. Articulate an operational plan for your group. That means getting to the middle-level design of the paradigms and elements that your organization must use to provide more than the patients ever would expect. I’ll design a plan. And then I’ll coach or mentor your organization into seeing it through.
  3. Give you concrete and specific counsel. At the level of actually implementing a plan and providing or accepting a service, I’ll help you make decisions so that you give or get the results that you deserve. Remember, I’m a patient who has been seriously burned by screwed up healthcare. I’m a doctor who has made mistakes too. I also consult about and study healthcare. That means that I will know what shouldn’t be happening, and probably even what should be.