They claim to have value, but at what cost?

June 25, 2020By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPA Physician's Life, How Healthcare Works, The Medical Malpractice Industry 2 Comments

After reading what I have to say, some self-serving and ill-informed people will complain. They’ll say things like: “…not every malpractice attorney is like that.” “Some doctors need to be punished.” “Who else is going to stick up for the poor victims of the small minority of greedy, negligent, or incompetent doctors?” “The economic impact … Read More

Beating the Healthcare Business at Its Own Game- The Squeeze (Part 1)

May 13, 2020By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPHealthcare You Deserve, How Healthcare Works No Comments

Everybody has been financially ‘raked over the coals’ by the healthcare industry. The business practices and tactics that industry uses to get your money have cost some folks their life savings.  Healthcare often takes money from you that it doesn’t deserve. It usually does so without delivering what you deserve. The Heart of a Doctor … Read More

Healthcare Lost Its Way Long Ago

May 11, 2020By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPCurrent events and commentary, How Healthcare Works No Comments

The Revolution started with good intentions, but we lost our collective minds The advent of Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. and the internet/social media phenomena was originally intended to augment our human reality not replace it. In a similar way, technology was intended to extend the vision and appreciation of medical doctors not replace, not … Read More