Healthcare Lost Its Way Long Ago

Healthcare Lost Its Way Long Ago

May 11, 2020By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPCurrent events and commentary, How Healthcare Works No Comments

The Revolution started with good intentions, but we lost our collective minds The advent of Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. and the internet/social media phenomena was originally intended to augment our human reality not replace it. In a similar way, technology was intended to extend the vision and appreciation of medical doctors not replace, not … Read More

Opioids- The Facts

Opioids- The Facts

May 11, 2020By Jason Matthew Fish MD FAAFPThe Opioid Epidemic 1 Comment

You may not be aware of it, but everybody knows someone living with Opioid Addiction.  However, the breadth and depth of widely held fictions about the disease are breathtaking. I’m a doctor, but for years, I had ignorant views about these patients and their disease. It wasn’t until I started taking care of these patients, … Read More