What in the world is Trump doing?

In times of national peril, Americans rightly expect to hear at least some truth from our President. We even expect him to do what is best for America when it really counts. However, the information that  Trump gives us about COVID-19 is intentionally false.

It’s hard for us to ‘wrap our minds around the fact that our President is acting as if he wants to ruin America. After all, he did take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the United States. But he doesn’t work like that. It’s not that Trump specifically wants to burn our country to the ground (yet).  The thing is, he doesn’t care about American enough to think about it. He only cares about himself.

If you understand what Trump wants then you can understand what he is doing. He wants to be President for four more years, There is a problem with that. Because Trump and his comrades are in charge. they are responsible for this disaster. That’s the way that leadership works. Every President before Trump understood that being President means that “the buck stops” on his desk. [1] But Trump doesn’t like that. More to the point, he will not take responsibility for anything if it might decrease his chances for re-election. After all, like any spoiled child, he thinks that it’s better to blame anybody else for what he did than to admit what you did. It really is that simple.

I think that Trump knows exactly what is at stake. He realizes that there is a big problem. He knows that America’s condition is his fault. He also knows that he is simply not capable of making anything better. He has figured out how to confuse some people for what he didn’t do in the first months of the pandemic. But, it’s going to be nearly impossible for him to deny what is going to happen in our country between now and the election. That means that he won’t get what he wants- re-election.

And that’s why he absolutely doesn’t want you to hear the truth, and deal with the pandemic in a healthy way. Being an adult means that you have to accept reality and adjust. And like I said, reality has always been and most definitely is now his enemy.

If you want to argue that Trump isn’t this manipulative or ruthless then don’t get to claim that he is a brilliant businessman. If he’s not a business genius, then all our President has ever accomplished has been a popular reality TV show. Everything else that he has ever done, personal, professional, financial, or otherwise, has been a failure (except evading the Vietnam draft).[2]

That’s it. That’s what Trump is doing.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOcY3XlzPzs

[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/02/us/politics/donald-trump-draft-record.html

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