Here is what’s on the mind of this, particular, American citizen:

1. I don’t want to hear one more person utter the words “America, love it, or leave  it.”

“Love it or leave it” is a shameful, condescending, dismissive, and manipulative demand for Americans to be UN-American. What it means is this: “don’t get involved,” “keep your mouth shut,” and “stay in your place.” To hell with that. Read the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  America requires more than just ‘showing up’; America demands advanced citizenship. Isn’t that exactly what a Free Press, Freedom of Speech, etc. etc. we intended to be? At this point, “love it or leave it” is the same as saying, ‘you drown on your side of the river, and I’ll drown on mine.’

2. Don’t hand me canned “crap” in the thinking that it sounds patriotic.

Do you really think that it’s American to scream “I support the military” while carrying an assault rifle in a public square???? (I’ve got a few weapons of my own, and know how to use them pretty darn well. I prefer to do something useful for my countrymen rather than making a complete fool of my country while the whole world is watching). How can an informed, adult, American citizen dispute the facts that a virus spreads and kills without social isolation? Everybody on planet earth gets it.

3. “Make America Great Again,” is the calling card of those of us who don’t know our history and/or may not even care about knowing it. Help them understand. 

To be clear, the idea of America is great. The effort was great.  However, our nation’s reality sucked for tons of Americans. How about this, say; “Make America what it should have always been for everybody?” How about that? Better? Listen to your words. definition, “MAGA” labels you as not giving a damn when you say recreate what America never was. Move forward. Build something. Help us all get better. That’s why the Founding Fathers deliberately gave us the right to vote. That’s why we have Freedom of Speech, etc etc etc.

4. Our current President plans on winning the next election at all costs. Don’t be naive and assume that if he loses, he will walk off.

Mind you, I don’t dispute your right to vote for him. However, think about it carefully. Will our current President commit to free and fair elections, one person-one vote, and most of all, will he promise to leave office if he loses the election? Quite the contrary, he has already publicly stated that  (and actually done it) he will rig the election, ignore the results, keep people from voting, and seek foreign intervention in OUR elections. That’s not America. After all, we don’t live in a dictatorship (yet).

5, Stop labeling me and other people as “liberal,” “left-wing, “Democrat,” or anything else. If you can’t use my name, just call me by my title: “American.”

6. America requires commitment.  And our mother, Our America, is dying.  She needs our help, everybody’s help. Right now.

“American is Our Home.” That’s my new mantra.

And I do have one personal request- I put a lot of work, thought, heart and soul into the “America is Our Home” videos and page. It’s under the “Enjoy and Learn” page. Please take a look.

With all of that said, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get on with the business of healing our most sick patient- America.


Jason Matthew Fish
Birmingham, Alabama
June 2020


  • I love your fishisms. It’s so cool, pearls has been my favorite since a young girl. Each one is mother gave me one at fourteen. I lost it in the ocean. It breaks my heart, that you’ve had such unjust care. I pray you are healing well and things are better. I’m enjoying reading your material. You are the best! Please know that. I cried all the way home. ❤️

    • Thank you so much. I’m sorry that I was so slow to reply. I hope that you’re doing great! JF

      • Actually doing great! Change in RA med. been traveling some with kiddos. Learning the art of meditation. How is your healing going?

        • Hi Lori! I’m doing fine. I’m still doing some work as a physician, but mostly doing my own thing. I’m glad that you are well. JF

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